The Benefits Of Ghee And How To Prepare It

Home remedies are nothing but something that can cure you simply with the things and natural food items available in our kitchen closet. Home remedies are a kind of first aid therapy to the body. Something that we all can try at home and get good results. We can just forget the doctor for a while and believe in the words of our old grannies who have transferred us the simple knowledge of making safe treatment for some simple ailments sitting within the premises of our home at anytime of the day and don't need to bother the doctor for simple problems like cold, cough, gastric pain.

The cold winter weather and short days make us want to wrap up warm and become couch potatoes. This lack of exercise can cause the body's systems to stagnate. Join a yoga class, so on your way back from work you can stop in and become recharged and get that energy flowing. Eating warm cooked foods, drinking warm water or herb/spice teas like ginger or cinnamon can help improve circulation, digestion and elimination, keeping skin healthy and clear.

Now boil all this Desi Ghee for a few minutes on a high flame minutes or so This is how to check if the rice is done. Without burning your fingers, take a few grains of rice (use a clean spoon to take some out of the boiling water), break a grain, if it breaks into 3 parts easily, your rice is done.

Where the flour tortilla is made with pork lard, the Indian paratha is made with ghee - or clarified butter. The paratha also takes slightly longer to make but believe me... the end result is worth you extra time and work.

It would be best to utilize genuine spices instead of going for easy to prepare, commercially available curry powder or paste. This way, you will end up cooking a curry dish that is especially flavorful and aromatic.

Add palm sugar and cardamom powder and mix it well. Take off from the flame and add 1 tbsp. of milk in it. Mix it well and check the consistency, if it becomes a mass of solid dough the fudge is ready. If it is slightly loose or dry add another tsp. more info of milk till you get a pliable dough.

Cough and Phlegm- Drinking hot water with Turmeric 2 times a day helps in the fast healing of coughs, especially with phlegm. Some people advocate drinking hot milk with a pinch of turmeric. However, I have found the milk worsens the phlegm. So it is better to drink it in hot water.

Yogurt - This is used in a lot of dishes. It is also a cooling contrast to spicy dishes. Some people prefer making their own yogurt rather than buying from shops or supermarkets.

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